My friend, Than, said the best pot of gold he could think of was between a woman's legs, and he sure meant it! *shivers with the memory* I felt like I was floating through the air the whole time, on cloud 9, singing with the Angels, having the best time ever! Any one can give a woman pleasure this way, but when someone really knows what they are doing they can send a woman to heaven...literally...lol Luckily Than knew exactly what he was doing AND stayed there until I just couldn't take it anymore. Mmmmmmm Ladies, ever had to beg a man to STOP giving you pleasure? Yeah, doesn't happen often. *shudders as she feels goosebumps move over her body*

*grins sheepishly* I must confess that it took me at least an hour to come up with my blog entry for this pose. But I don't think you can blame me after seeing the picture I could not resist taking as a lovely memento. I'm setting my alarm for bright and early on the 19th, want to get down to Kabuki and see all the sexy people that run over to find this amazing pose.
Huggles and kisses,
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